Commissions are application-based, not FCFS, there will be no wait listing/reserving of slots.
In case of rush order, an additional 100 Euro will be charged. Max number of rush orders taken at once will be 3 orders.
Slots open for this year: 30max
Listed prices are estimated base prices and in EUR. Prices are subject to change anytime.-
Requirements: Proper, complete character reference
Long boi
Base price: 250 eur
Accessories: +10eur per piece
Expressions: +10eur per expression
Expressions ( choose 3)
Hearts + Blush , Excited/Sparkle, Cry, Sleep, Petal (€0+)
Dragons :+50eur
This commission is Art only - you will get a ready to rig PSD file
I have only worked with two animators regarding Long bois, so I would highly recommend to hire one of them! I will be working closely with both of them c:

I will be taking these as a side commission so there will be no deadline for them! I'll be taking commissions throughout the year. Please make sure to read my TOS.